AWS Waveswing trials exceed expectations
AWS Ocean Energy confirmed highly encouraging results from the current phase of sea trials of its wave energy device at the European Marine Energy Centre
Novel Wave Energy Converter Project
Novel Wave Energy Converter Project
The NWEC programme run by Wave Energy Scotland aims to support the development of wave energy technologies to help commercialise the sector in Scotland.
AWS has successfully progressed to Stage 3 of the programme and is currently testing a partial scale Waveswing™ at EMEC’s test site at Scapa Flow, Orkney.
The complete design, fabrication and at-sea testing of a partial scale Archimedes Waveswing™.
In January 2019, AWS was awarded a contract by Wave Energy Scotland to design, build and test a half scale Waveswing™ wave energy converter. The design phase was completed with support from subcontractors Quoceant, 4c Engineering, Sequentec, Pelagic Innovations, Uaine Gorm, Orcades Marine, Green Marine and K2Management.
Fabrication and assembly of the Waveswing™ was completed by Malin Marine at their site in Renfrew. Following the build, the commissioning and dry-testing of each subsystem was carried out ensuring the device was ready for operation.
The Waveswing™ was then transported to Orkney where it has been deployed for open water testing at EMEC. This testing will demonstrate the marine operations associated with the device including tow trials, installation, removal, operations, and maintenance.
AWS Ocean Energy confirmed highly encouraging results from the current phase of sea trials of its wave energy device at the European Marine Energy Centre
Initial testing and shakedown of Waveswing completed as AWS offshore scientific test programme progresses.
The 16 kW Archimedes Waveswing wave energy converter, developed by AWS Ocean Energy, has arrived in Orkney ahead of its imminent deployment at the European